Black Grl Things: Grown Woman Moves

4 min readOct 29, 2019

Imagine it being with your best friends, just brainstorming on ways improve engagement on your page while making it relatable to everybody else, and boom; you’re an over night sensation whom everybody wants to speak to. Meet the four lovely, beautiful, and ambition ladies behind rising Black woman empowerment platform Black Grl Things; Lauren, Visa, Shannon, and Imara. All working 9–5 jobs and attending or attended HBCUs; (Lauren, University of Maryland Eastern Shore undergrad and Bowie Sate Grad School, Shannon, UMES, Imara, North Carolina A&T, and Visa, Florida A&M and FUA.)


More than just your typical Black woman, overcoming unnecessary obstacles that a society has pinned against them just to live comfortably but leaders in a new digital age; using their platform to give fellow black woman confidence and strength.

It’s already difficult enough to make a platform that can people can relate to that hasn’t been explored much, now adding empowerment to it and it’s under a 5% percent change of succeeding.

“Curating our platform, we just used our experiences and ideals as black woman to be able to find peace and joy within others,” the four said. “Fortunately and gratefully, not only do other black women find joy within our page but also find a safe place to speak on how we feel. The safe space we provide is our main key to being able to see the ideas and stories of a plethora of fellow black women.


Topics such as fashion, work place, categories, playlists, and opinion questions are a constant on the Instagram page and on a high level. From being under 5000 followers earlier this year to blowing up to near 75k might be a big leap but the four womenpenuers took the humble routes to express how they feel about it.

“While yes it’s exciting, we have so much in store for the lovely ladies who find happiness in the content we create,” they said. “To think we have this much black women relating to what we say, think, or feel naturally is amazing.”

Inspired by the works of Gia Peppers, Scottie Beam, Karen Civil, and more black women who use digital media to uplift and showcases the excellence of black women in media, the four strive to make Black Grl Things more than just a social media platform with a big following but as the quotes states up above, a space place for black women to network and prosper. A beautiful mindset to have, a platform for the people instead of being kept from people. So many platforms try to force interaction for their own purposefully gain but these four ladies have revolutionized the game.

“Every piece of content we make is meant for our audience to share not own their feelings but future ideas that can cultivate excellence,” they said. “our playlists, categories, graphics, and business promotions best highlight the brightest black women can offer. We felt that, while a platform like our wasn’t totally lacking, their was another level of a digital media mecca for our women to come and hold conversations with us or with each other.”


A couple of topics came up during our conversation, such as mental health and self care. In a era where the concept of mental health is looked upon in a different way, Black Grl Things can be viewed upon as trend setters in curating content which soothes the minds of not only black women but anybody who looks at the pages.

Most platforms, if they post that usual type of content, don’t carry the vivid creativeness in making it eye popping. Most platforms that do carry that level of creative genius, don’t post content as meaningful. To put it simply, these four ladies are pioneers in digital media content that is appealing visually and intellectually.

Alas, that is the power of black women, always or mostly always, creating trends in which everybody follows and always speaking on issues other people are scared. Seeing my mother, a strong black woman raise me with grace and handle situations in which anybody else would falter, showed by platforms such as Black Grl Things are needed. Please follow them on Instagram/Twitter here and show them the support they deserve.


A podcast, a show, more panels, another dance event or something even more amazing? Who know but what I do know is whatever black women needs that Black Grl Things deliver and deliver it well.

